Saturday, April 28, 2012


But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 1 Timothy 5:8

"Real love is when you become selfless and you are more concerned about your mate's or children's egos than your own. You're now a giver instead of a taker."

So two other guys and myself had to drive to D.C. to catch a flight over to Dubai and then into Afganistan. The wife and I get up and enjoy some breakfast together and I play with Olivia. Then the guys pull up outside. I look into my wife's eyes and I could tell she was trying to be strong and hold back the tears, but she couldn'! She starts crying while holding the baby. I am not a crying type of person. I guess I get it from my father. He don't never cry...ha! Nah I seen him cry a few times, but I don't know we just hold our emotions in very well. My brother is the same way. But on this day.....I couldn't even front. It was so hard to know that I was walking away from my family. As the tears began to run. Just all kind of thoughts raced thru my head. The biggest thing was if I would see them again. I rebuked that. I kissed and hugged my wife a few times. Then I kissed and hugged that baby (as she looked and didn't know what was happening). Stuck my tongue out at the mut. Told my wife I loved them and walked out the house. It was a long ride to D.C. I thought about a million things on that ride. How many men past and present leave their families to go and make a difference for their country, family, and lifestyle in general. I never been a person to just lay down and except things. I strive to be a fighter and a willing to learn and do whatever it takes to better not only my life but the lives of those around me. I believe that is the true Godly message to be examples of who God is. I took this job so my wife didn't have to work for another man. I provide for my family. I am here because I want the best for Missy. God saw fit to bless me with a great woman and I don't want to take that for granted. So I'll slay the world just to lay it at her feet. She is my world. I sacrifice even my life for her.....My Baby :)

Okay, we make it to the airport and I got 4 heavy..........Very heavy bags I got to carry all around this dat gum airport. Not mad about the bags cause I packed them. I'm mad because it showed how out of shape I am...ha! All them zebra cakes and pies and good eating catching up to me. Checked my bags in out of breathe...just fat! Anyway boarded the plane. We got business class. Man it was crazy. That is the only way to fly except first class. I got my own tv to watch what I wanted, my chair turned into a bed, drinks and wine, and food was pretty good. Last bit of comfort before you get to this bull crap place. It was a 12 hour flight. Anticipation and nervesness at an all time high. We land in Dubai spend like 8 hours there before we on another plane. So got a hotel. This hotel was very nice....I'll leave it at that. It took me 20 minutes to figure out you have to stick your door key in a little slot by the door to get the room to work....Crazy! Dubai is know for its prostitution. Didn't think much of it til we went and ate dinner and within 20 min 10 guys walked out the club with them....straight to hell LOL!!! Anyway, took a nap and got up and head for the airport to get on the next flight......

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fear Not

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

"The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."

-Nelson Mandela

I took this job knowing I would have to come over here. I have never been deployed here while I was in the military. Its funny I joined the Navy to avoid Afganistan and Iraq and I get out the military and I get sent right on over. The wife and I have been through deployments before. So for us its doable because we have been there, but not since we had Olivia Anne. It was hard enough just leaving my fiance then, but now I got to leave a wife and daughter. Mane that little baby is a dream come true for me. I hate going to work leaving her. So six months away from her.....Very tough decision to make. I knew it would be a huge sacrifice that we would have to make and we did make it together. So I take the job and agree to a tour in this warzone.

I go through a lot of training thru a span of a few months before leaving. Traveling and a lot of hours went into learning this job so I can be efficient at it overseas. My job title is Field Service Representitive. I am the company and considered to be the expert on the system I am working with. So its just me to be "That Guy" but in a good way not drunk way...ha! Had the opportunity to talk to some contractors in the program that I would be dealing with and heard a lot of crazy stuff. A few things stick out to me, there is a $60,000 reward for guys in my line of work that the enemy was paying, the living conditions suck, I would travel all over the country, etc...So I have to burden all this in the months leading up to my departure. Its pretty scary stuff. The worst of it all is the CAMEL SPIDERS!!!! LOL I hate them. When I get to heaven I'm a have to ask "God why you make them eight leg demon bugs?" Ha! Parents, family, friends didn't want me to go, but sometimes you got to do what you don't want to do for the greater good of your family. This program has help kill like 70% of the terrorist here and Iraq. I have the opportunity to do my part in protecting our troops while they are out here sacrificing their own lives. I'd much rather be over here fighting then in my front yard. I am proud of this discision and don't regret it at all. One thing I have learned in my life is that there are only two options in how to live our lives. One is with Faith and the other is with Fear. I choose to live by faith. Even in all the danger that I would be walking into I know that by my faith God will do what needs to be done to protect me. One of my favorite quotes is: “The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but deliverance from fear” I am learning to close my eyes and walk.

So I have had all my training and that day draws near....

First Up

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

-Dr. Seuss