Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fear Not

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

"The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."

-Nelson Mandela

I took this job knowing I would have to come over here. I have never been deployed here while I was in the military. Its funny I joined the Navy to avoid Afganistan and Iraq and I get out the military and I get sent right on over. The wife and I have been through deployments before. So for us its doable because we have been there, but not since we had Olivia Anne. It was hard enough just leaving my fiance then, but now I got to leave a wife and daughter. Mane that little baby is a dream come true for me. I hate going to work leaving her. So six months away from her.....Very tough decision to make. I knew it would be a huge sacrifice that we would have to make and we did make it together. So I take the job and agree to a tour in this warzone.

I go through a lot of training thru a span of a few months before leaving. Traveling and a lot of hours went into learning this job so I can be efficient at it overseas. My job title is Field Service Representitive. I am the company and considered to be the expert on the system I am working with. So its just me to be "That Guy" but in a good way not drunk way...ha! Had the opportunity to talk to some contractors in the program that I would be dealing with and heard a lot of crazy stuff. A few things stick out to me, there is a $60,000 reward for guys in my line of work that the enemy was paying, the living conditions suck, I would travel all over the country, etc...So I have to burden all this in the months leading up to my departure. Its pretty scary stuff. The worst of it all is the CAMEL SPIDERS!!!! LOL I hate them. When I get to heaven I'm a have to ask "God why you make them eight leg demon bugs?" Ha! Parents, family, friends didn't want me to go, but sometimes you got to do what you don't want to do for the greater good of your family. This program has help kill like 70% of the terrorist here and Iraq. I have the opportunity to do my part in protecting our troops while they are out here sacrificing their own lives. I'd much rather be over here fighting then in my front yard. I am proud of this discision and don't regret it at all. One thing I have learned in my life is that there are only two options in how to live our lives. One is with Faith and the other is with Fear. I choose to live by faith. Even in all the danger that I would be walking into I know that by my faith God will do what needs to be done to protect me. One of my favorite quotes is: “The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but deliverance from fear” I am learning to close my eyes and walk.

So I have had all my training and that day draws near....

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